I am a slow swimmer, and even though I can keep going for ages, I don't think my time is improving much. I am not out to shatter records, but a bit more speed would be nice. I think that I am not physically strong enough yet. So, I tried a new routine today. Rather than just swimming freestyle for 2000-2400m, I swam 160m freestyle at normal speed and then 40m with a kick board- kicking with as much strength as I could muster. I did this routine 10 times, so I completed 2000m in total. I was breathing heavily, I was hotter than usual and my heart rate was definitely elevated more than when I just do freestyle. I hope this helps me strengthen my legs and improve my cardio functions. We shall see.
I am also down .6 lbs. I didn't lose anything when I was in the states, but in reality I barely moved at all. This is one of the clear drawbacks to living in the suburbs. In London I walk everywhere; it is a means of transportation. In the suburbs, I drive for transportation- meaning that I only walk for the purpose of exercising. And exercise of this nature doesn't always fit into my plans. Oh well, now that I am back in London I should be able to shave off a bit more weight. I'd love to be down 80+ lbs before I see Dr. K on August 1.
In other news, we are hosting a 4th of July party this Saturday. We always celebrated our independence from this wonderful country (note sarcasm) when we lived in the states and decided to continue this tradition after we moved. We have about 25 people coming- Americans, Germans, Austrians, Welsh, British, and Italians- we will be the melting pot of West London this weekend. I do all of the prep work and cooking (and I don't serve prepared dishes), and Kenny mans the grill. I am starting with guacamole, salsa, pesto dip/crudite, and a white bean and arugula dip that I will put into individual croustades before serving. For meats we are serving ribs, burgers and two types of sausage and sides will include a tomato salad, a spinach and pasta dish and corn on the cob. I am also making key lime pies. The only thing I won't be making is a strawberry and white chocolate cake. I don't have the time or patience to bake in addition to everything else. It doesn't look like a ton of food when I type it out, but I will need all of Friday and half of Saturday to prepare everything.
So Friday will be a prep day. At least I can relax a bit tomorrow.