November 26, 2010-present weight loss

2012 weight loss

Monday, February 6, 2012

Snowpocalypse- London Style

It doesn't take too much for London to all but shut down.  A bad rain storm can stop the entire Underground, and the effects of snow on the city are much, much worse.  I don't have much to report, but we did have a whopping three inches of snow on Saturday evening.  Luckily I booked dinner within walking distance from our flat, so we didn't have to deal with the annoyance of finding a taxi.
Down the street from our flat 
My favorite hat, Boris. 
Dad gave him to me for Christmas years ago,
and the only good thing about this weather is getting
to take him out on the town:)


Anonymous said...

A nice snow day where everything shuts down is fun for a day, not longer!

Lap Band Gal said...

How fun!

A.J. said...

Well, that makes me feel much better as Southerner since we are also totally incapable of functioning in the slightest of snowfall.

Liz said...

You look so cute in Boris! :)

MandaPanda said...

I love that you named your hat!

speck said...

My mother is from England so this post definitely caught my eye. I hope to make a trip over there in a couple of years.

And I love the hat. It looks great on you! LOVE it.

Beth Ann said...

Boris is spectacular!! So cute. :)

Rachel said...

Paris was the same way on Sunday... funny how these Europeans don't know how to handle a couple of inches of snow!! xxx

Melissa Wolf said...

Hi Boris! Lookin' good Snow White!

Rhonda said...

I love Boris! :)